Event committee

Inge is an incredible chair - all she’s missing is a gavel, and then she would be even more powerful. She keeps us together and on track, but is also one of the funniest people you'll meet, and a genuinely lovely presence who fills up any room with laughter. She’s never scared to be honest, and even less so to recap her nights out, or give her opinion on anything. She also lives next to Kraantje Papi, which she would really like you to know. No night is complete until Inge has had a cig ….. Or 5. And she would prefer to end any night with someone who mildly resembles Pennywise. She also doesn’t hesitate to tell us how amazing we are in our moment of truth. Thank you, you're also amazing Inge.
Meike is our promotion, but she may as well be our external affairs - she could talk to anyone in the world. She always has the deepest questions for us and lets us know she just has ONE last thing to say (she’s gonna say that ten more times tonight). But without her we wouldn't have as many iconic quotes, as many laughs, or as many ice cream pepernoot dinners. Watch out: if you're at Poelestraat on a Thursday around 3 am, she will pretend you’re her childhood friend she hasn’t seen in years. And if you go along with the joke, you’ll come to realize she’s a very “bijzondere vrouw”, and it's true Meike, you really are a … special woman.
Mirte is our finance woman - and she’s incredible at it- she’s very smart and gets the job done, but at the same time makes the evening so much better with her gezelligheid. But as much as we appreciate her, if you text her she will not respond, especially if you are a hot guy. From emo to alberti, you never know what you can expect with Mirte! When she’s not busy being hard working by making Swedish meatballs or having a Wednesday night out, she’s helping keep this committee together, all while checking herself out in 25 different mirrors (Understandable, she is very … knap).
Stijn is an absolute sweetheart, and the grandpa of the group. He has an amazing music taste, is always on top of his work, and has great roommates who may as well be our honorary members. He’s also a true, quizmaster, don't be surprised if you see him on next season's slimste mens, or on the TV version of Hitster. He sometimes gets sick of our yapping, but we know he secretly loves everything we have to say. No wonder he doesn’t want to keep chatting, none of us want to hear his strange accent (It’s not Twents! Yes it is Stijn). He really is a hilarious old man who keeps us laughing and makes any night better.
Rien, Rienus, is a lovely member of the committee, who we are all lucky to have. He’s enthusiastic and kindhearted, and always has an interest in what we have to say. He makes stunning designs for our sweaters, even if it takes him so long that we can’t wear them just yet. He also has his Pien, which us sad singles get to be reminded of every Monday evening. Good thing he has another love story on the side, an affair if you will. The bromance with Stijn is unbreakable, and the passion in the room is palpable. Rien will never finish a committee night without chugging at least a protein shake and probably a beer, and without making you sure you got home safe. Thanks Rien!
And last but not least, Anna, our lovely secretary. She is a really good secretary, even if every once in a while she needs to be reminded that she is in fact there to take notes and not just to laugh at us. But we would not be the same without her, she always fills the night with positivity, energy and vrolijkheid. Anna is also the only international in our committee, as she is from Vienna, but it's pretty hard to tell because she speaks Dutch fluently. Anna is from all markets home as she actually speaks a lot of languages, but she sadly has yet to master the most important one, the language of talking to boys.... in time you will learn that one too. Speaking of learning, Anna is the type you never see stressed unless it is exam week, actually you will not see her at all during exam week because she is so stressed she would rather not show up and just stay in UB at all times, but no worries she will always end up with over 90% anyways.
Event Committee 2024-2025
Inge Bouma (2023) | Chair |
Mariana Heindl (2024) | Secretary |
Mirte Bakker (2024) | Treasurer |
Stijn Horsman (2022) | External Affairs |
Rien van der Sluis (2023) | Acquisition |
Meike Veenstra (2023) | Promotion |
The event committee organizes two big activities. One activity usually is a hitchhiking contest, the other one is the participation at the Batavierenrace. |