Sexual Health

Sexual health can be described as a state of physical, emotional, mental, and social well-being in relation to sexuality. Within VIP, we believe that sexual health is an important topic since it influences one's mental health as well. Therefore, you can find some important resources and tips on this page.

GGD (Gemeentelijke Gezondheidsdienst) (website only available in Dutch)

The Municipal Health Service (GGD) protects, monitors, and promotes the health of the residents of the Netherlands. It is also called public health care. The GGD can provide you with information and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases. You can also obtain an STD test at most pharmacies. Next to this, the GGD has a 24/7 helpline (0800 0188) that you can call when you have had an experience with sexual assault. The GGD also gives information about different questions regarding sexuality and other topics, for example, sexual abuse and sexual relationships. 

For more information, you can click the following link:

SWEI (only in English available) 

The Sexual Wellness Education Initiative (SWEI) has a mission to empower students to engage with topics of sexuality. They want students to explore topics such as consent, boundaries, autonomy, sexual health, sexual and gender identity, safety, and pleasure. They aim to guide students to break taboos and make knowledge accessible for students, by organising different events. Events that they have organized are for example “Men and Women Circles” in which they discussed the challenges and pleasures of men and women's experiences. Ultimately they want to provide students with a bridge between students and experts. 

You can find more information about SWEI here:

Sense (in Dutch and English available)

Do you have questions regarding sex, love, relationships, STDs (soa’s), sexuality, or contraceptives? You can ask all your questions on the Sense Website or you can make an appointment with a health professional or counselor in your neighborhood at Sense Noord-Nederland by calling 0900-7367366. 

For more information, you can click the following link:

Rutgers WFP (only in Dutch available)

Rutgers WFP is an organization that consists of medical professionals who provide guidance and services related to various aspects of sexual health. These aspects include contraception, abortion, pap smears, sterilization, and more. 

For more information, you can go to their website by clicking this link:

Sexual Inappropriate Behaviour

Have you seen or witnessed any sexually inappropriate behavior in a VIP setting? 

You can always contact one of the truspersons by sending a mail to or filling in this anonymous form (only trustpersons have access to these responses). If you want to talk to someone, you can send a message to one of the trust persons privately (see Mental Health). Besides that, you can always contact one of the VIP Board members as well.

Question: Are you okay?

At VIP, Study Association Psychology Groningen, we think it is important that everyone has a good time. You meet new people with whom you have a drink, dance, flirt, and become friends or more with.

Everyone has different desires as well as boundaries and that's totally okay! Where one person likes to kiss a stranger, another may find that going too far. Keep an eye on each other. Do you think someone feels uncomfortable or do you see unwanted sexual behavior? Help the person to whom it happens by asking Are you okay? You can also use Are you okay? to check each other's wishes and boundaries when you flirt or date.

That way, together, we'll make sure everyone has a good time! How do you actually flirt? Check
